Category Archives: Uncategorized
BULLETIN 03-05-2020
BULLETIN 26-04-2020
BULLETIN 19-04-2020
BULLETIN 12-04-2020
BULLETIN 05-04-2020
BULLETIN 29-03-2020
BULLETIN 22-03-2020
Due to the new development of the cororavirus pandemic, all public Masses in England and Wales will stop from Friday evening – 20th March 2020 – until further notice.
At SJF Church in Cambourne, the 7.15pm Mass on Thursday 19th March 2020 – The Solemnity of St Joseph – will be our last Mass until further notice. As we do not own the church building, we cannot have access to it. We will have to wait until the Administrator of Cambourne Church re-opens it. Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Sawston will be still open for private prayers as usual. I will continue to say Mass in private for the parish and for your intentions. Please do not hesitate to contact me by phone or email if you need necessary sacraments.
For live stream Masses, just type ‘Catholic Mass online’ on an internet search engine and you will have links for Masses all over the world in diffrent languages.
I believe you will continue to have family prayers every day. It is essentially important for us to saydaily personal and family prayers . May Our Lady – Queen of the Holy Rosary – pray for us.
Please be assured of my continued prayers for all of you during this testing time. With every blessing from your parish priest – JM.